Reckoning and Repair
An experimental oral history podcast with artists, curators, and organizers speaking on the need for reckoning, and the (im?)possibilities of repair in art worlds and social spaces around the globe.
Season 2 of Reckoning and Repair: The Art of Resistance in Argentina endeavors to explore these stories and the legacy of art activists from Bueno Aires and beyond. Originally captured in Spanish from June to July 2022, these narratives have since been condensed and adapted into the English language to share these incredible artists and their activism more broadly.
Season 1, "The Art That's Touched Philadelphia", was recorded, written, and produced by students in "Conversations with Contemporary Artists" a course by Alissa Jordan at the Center for Experimental Ethnography. This CEE production runs alongside the 2023 exhibit "Rising Sun-Artists in an Uncertain America", an African American Museum of Philadelphia (AAMP) and Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) collaboration. How do artists and organizers confront the troubling histories of Empire in their midsts? Is it even possible for colonially-based art institutions to meaningfully reckon with their own exclusionary histories? What models of reckoning and repair already exist in Philadelphia's art worlds?
Reckoning and Repair
S.2 Episode 4 // The Walls Have Eyes: A Muralist’s Vision of Hope with Cabaio Spirito - Voiced by Ian Zang
Cabaio Spirito is a street artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He began painting in the streets following the Argentine economic crisis of 2001 as part of the stencil collective Vomito Attack, a politically motivated group who used stencil art to unleash political commentary and anti-consumerist messages throughout Buenos Aires. Departing from Vomito Attack in 2005, he adopted the name Cabaio Stencil and began creating independently. Known for his immensely colorful collage-style murals, Cabaio Spirito uses hand-carved stencils to create the images, textures, shapes, symbols, and typography that are superimposed in his highly intimate, yet socially engaged murals. To date, Cabaio Spirito has exhibited in galleries around the world from Argentina and Brazil to the United States and Indonesia.”
An experimental podcast project, season 2 of Reckoning and Repair: The Art of Resistance in Argentina endeavors to explore these stories and the legacy of art activists from Bueno Aires and beyond. Originally captured in Spanish from June to July 2022, these narratives have since been condensed and adapted into the English language to share these incredible artists and their activism more broadly. You can learn more and listen to extras at rnrphilly.com.
Audio Credits
- Vino Tinto by Serge Quadrado (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/serge-quadrado/latin-cafe/vino-tinto/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0.
- BIG DAWN by POLKAVANT (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Pedro_Santiago/box-100/big-dawn/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0.
- LANCHONETE RESTAURANTE PAISAGEM SONORA by JulioUrbano (https://freesound.org/people/JulioUrbano/sounds/429511/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0.
- Graffiti by RadiosEscolaresBA (https://freesound.org/people/RadiosEscolaresBA/sounds/464218/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0.
- santelmo1 by fernando (https://freesound.org/people/fernando/sounds/7672/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0.
- Pajaros (birds) by chickenducatti (https://freesound.org/people/chickenducatti/sounds/246416/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0.
- walk thru east village by overmedium (https://freesound.org/people/overmedium/sounds/653108/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0.
- Street atmosphere and police whistles by arnaud coutancier (https://freesound.org/people/arnaud%20coutancier/sounds/417649/) licensed under CCBYNC 3.0
For episode extras, and to learn more about the artists, hosts, and organizations involved, check out the Reckoning and Repair website: rnrphilly.com
This podcast was created at the Center for Experimental Ethnography at the University of Pennsylvania, a multimodal research hub that views creative practice as intellectual work that necessarily historicizes the inequalities that pervade our society, and that develops solutions for their present iterations through collaborative and participatory work.